bedros keuilian live 2024


Use The Same Proven Playbooks & Blueprints We Use Daily 
To Create More Money, Meaning & Self-Mastery
Use The Same Proven Playbooks & Blueprints We Use Daily To Create More Money, Meaning & Self-Mastery

May 31st 2025 - The Grove Theater - Anaheim California


If You Missed out on bK Live Last year

Here’s What You Missed Out On...



I Can’t Wait To Give You The Tools And Tactics To Level Up!

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 


LIVE 2024 

Choose Which Experience Package You Want



  • Theater Seating
  • ​Coffee / Water
  • ​No Lunch Provided





  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording
  • ​​VIP Dinner







  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording






There’s no faster way to success in business or in life than by putting yourself in proximity of the people who are already living the life that you want for yourself.

Proximity Is Power! It’s at events like BK LIVE where you learn the REAL strategies, tactics, life hacks, business scale secrets and make the REAL connections you need to get to the next level of success!

You won’t find this depth of knowledge on social media, YouTube, in books or on a podcast – you’ll only get it live and in person at Bedros Keuilian LIVE!

That's why I want to personally invite you to BK LIVE 2025 taking place at the beautiful Grove Theater in Anaheim, California on May 31st.
Last year attendees showed up from every state in America as well as Canada, Germany, Norway, The UK, Australia, South Africa and Japan.

BK LIVE is the event that will put you on the path to making more money in business and building a life that you’re proud of!

That’s how valuable this event is for you and your goals this year


During this one day I’m going to pack the stage with the most impactful subject matter experts in business growth, social media branding, personal development, wealth management, lifestyle design, leadership, online business and real estate investing – because I want to teach YOU the exact formula that I’ve used to build the life of my dreams.

I’m tapping into my networking of multi-million dollar generating experts, entrepreneurs and high performing thought leaders who will coach you up and share their in-depth secrets, systems and strategies so that you can win in business and in life!

If you really want to create more money, have more meaning and develop self-mastery at the highest level then accept this invitation to BK Live.
Please don’t procrastinate or make excuses. You need to be here and this is your only opportunity to secure your tickets.


A 1.0 Human shows up as:

A 1.0 Human shows up as:

  • Needy/Dependent
  • Self-Sabotaging Perfectionists
  • Lost & Broke Souls
  • Full Of Excuses
  • Mission Focused 
  • Purpose Driven 
  • Outcome Focused
  • Ready To Learn 
When you’re a 2.0 human you can be whoever you want to be life.

You see most people are stuck in life… they’re lost, confused, stressed out and don’t know how to find their purpose and drive in life. This might be you, the 1.0 version.
At BK LIVE 2025, I want to give you the blueprint to accelerate your personal growth and business success to the next level so that you can become your 2.0 self.
I’ll take the stage and personally show you how to time-collapse your desired results so that you can cut years of trial and error and reach greater success years sooner!

Use Our Playbooks & Blueprints To

Generate More Money, Meaning & Self-Mastery

(What We’ll Be Sharing With You At A Very High Level)
(What We’ll Be Sharing With You
At A Very High Level)

Personal Branding

Install our content and post strategies that'll have you one "Content Binge" away from transforming a stranger into a raving fan or loyal customer. 

Personal Mastery 

How to put your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tie your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into your trunk.

High Ticket Sales

How to effortlessly turn prospects into customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a corny Closer.



Install our content and post strategies that'll have you one "Content Binge" away from transforming a stranger into a raving fan or loyal customer. 



How to put your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tie your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into your trunk.

How to put your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tie your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into your trunk.



How to effortlessly turn prospects into customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a corny Closer.



What systems, processes and people to add to your business by the end of 2024. So you can create self-multiplying team members, and leaders that run your day-to-day operations.

2.0 Self


It's not WHAT you need to achieve your goals. It's WHO you need to become. At BK LIVE 2024, we'll share which traits and habits you need to add to become your 2.0 Self.

4 levels of


The 4 Levels of Leadership you have to upgrade in order to expand your impact, influence and income.

The 4 Levels of Leadership you have to upgrade in order to expand your impact, influence and income.

Personal Branding

Install our content and post strategies that'll have you one "Content Binge" away from transforming a stranger into a raving fan or loyal customer.

Personal Mastery

How to put your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tie your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into your trunk.

High Ticket Sales

How to effortlessly turn prospects into customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a corny Closer.



our bk live 2025 speakers

Bedros Keuilian 

Founder, CEO, Mentor & Investor

Jason Redman

Retired Navy SEAL, NYT Best Seller, & Entrepreneur

Flex Lewis

Undefeated 7x Mr Olympia 212lb & Entrepreneur

Thomas DeLauer

High Performance Coach, Podcaster

Steve Eckert 

Entrepreneur & Former Marine

Ryan Tillman

Podcaster, Author, & Police Officer

Bryce Henson

CEO, Podcaster & Founder

Snez Veljanovska

World Renowned Fitness Coach & Former Professional Athlete

Joey Bowen

Co-Founder of Few Will Hunt

Ali Gilbert

The Queen of Men’s Health 

Fr Michael Butler

Orthodox Priest, PhD & Podcaster

Bruce Cardenas

Entrepreneur, Investor & Former Marine

Mike Arce

CEO/ Founder, Loud Rumor

Matt Arroyo

Owner Of Gracie Tampa South Martial Arts, UFC Veteran, ADCC Veteran

John Barrett

CEO of Dorothy House Media 

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 


LIVE 2024 

Choose Which Experience Package You Want



  • Theater Seating
  • ​Coffee / Water
  • ​No Lunch Provided





  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording
  • ​​VIP Dinner







  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording





Use Our Playbooks & Blueprints To

Generate More Money, Meaning & Self-Mastery

(What We’ll Be Sharing With You At A Very In-Depth Level)

personal Branding

Your personal brand is the most powerful calling card you can have. It how people decide if they want to do business with you or not. We’re going to give you my social media, YouTube and Podcast content strategy so that you can create a flood of followers, subscribers and buyers to love your message!


It’s time to overcome everything that has been holding you back. We’ll show you how to put your powerful Inner Advocate in charge and destroy your Inner Critic who always sabotages your success and happiness. When you breakthrough your limiting beliefs the world opens up endless opportunities for you!


How to effortlessly turn prospects into customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a corny Closer. This isn’t old-school selling… these are strategies you can use to make sales in DMs, on the phone and face to face without coming off as a sleezy sales person.



Discover the systems, processes and people to add to your business so you can create a true systematized business that operates like a predictable machine to make money.


It's not WHAT you need to achieve your goals. It's WHO you need to become. 

At BK LIVE 2025, We’ll share the Vision Casting Method to help you get clear on who you are, what you want and how to get it! This is the secret to developing an unbeatable mindset.



The 4 Levels of Leadership you must install into your business in order to expand your impact, influence and income. This is also how you’re going to attract and lead the best employees so that you can build a team of winners to help bring your vision to reality.

Personal Branding

Install our content and post strategies that'll have you one "Content Binge" away from transforming a stranger into a raving fan or loyal customer. 

Personal Mastery 

How to put your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tie your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into your trunk.

High Ticket Sales

How to effortlessly turn prospects into customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a corny Closer.



Your personal brand is the most powerful calling card you can have. It how people decide if they want to do business with you or not. We’re going to give you my social media, YouTube and Podcast content strategy so that you can create a flood of followers, subscribers and buyers to love your message!



It’s time to overcome everything that has been holding you back. We’ll show you how to put your powerful Inner Advocate in charge and destroy your Inner Critic who always sabotages your success and happiness. When you breakthrough your limiting beliefs the world opens up endless opportunities for you!
How to put your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tie your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into your trunk.



How to effortlessly turn prospects into customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a corny Closer. This isn’t old-school selling… these are strategies you can use to make sales in DMs, on the phone and face to face without coming off as a sleezy sales person.



Discover the systems, processes and people to add to your business so you can create a true systematized business that operates like a predictable machine to make money.

2.0 Self


It's not WHAT you need to achieve your goals. It's WHO you need to become. At BK LIVE 2025, We’ll share the Vision Casting Method to help you get clear on who you are, what you want and how to get it! This is the secret to developing an unbeatable mindset.

4 levels of


The 4 Levels of Leadership you must install into your business in order to expand your impact, influence and income. This is also how you’re going to attract and lead the best employees so that you can build a team of winners to help bring your vision to reality.
The 4 Levels of Leadership you have to upgrade in order to expand your impact, influence and income.

Personal Branding

Install our content and post strategies that'll have you one "Content Binge" away from transforming a stranger into a raving fan or loyal customer.

Personal Mastery

How to put your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tie your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into your trunk.

High Ticket Sales

How to effortlessly turn prospects into customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a corny Closer.



Share Exactly What They’re Doing To Unlock The Greatness Inside Of Them

Bedros Keuilian 

Founder, CEO, Mentor & Investor

Jason Redman

Retired Navy SEAL, NYT Best Seller, & Entrepreneur

Flex Lewis

Undefeated 7x Mr Olympia 212lb & Entrepreneur

Thomas DeLauer

High Performance Coach, Podcaster

Steve Eckert 

Entrepreneur & Former Marine

Ryan Tillman

Podcaster, Author, & Police Officer

Bryce Henson

CEO, Podcaster & Founder

Snez Veljanovska

World Renowned Fitness Coach & Former Professional Athlete

Joey Bowen

Co-Founder of Few Will Hunt

Ali Gilbert

The Queen of Men’s Health 

Fr Michael Butler

Orthodox Priest, PhD & Podcaster

Bruce Cardenas

Entrepreneur, Investor & Former Marine

Mike Arce

CEO/ Founder, Loud Rumor

Matt Arroyo

Owner Of Gracie Tampa South Martial Arts, UFC Veteran, ADCC Veteran

John Barrett

CEO of Dorothy House Media 

BK LIVE 2025 is NOT For You If You’re…

  • A victim-minded excuse maker
  • Just looking to get inspired and motivated but unwilling to make a change
  • Allergic to doing the work required to create exponential growth
  • To cheap and too lazy to invest in yourself
We will give you the step-by-step success plan in business and in life… however this event will require you to work and to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
This is why we'll only allow people who are more than willing to do the self-work to become their 2.0 self.

Why? Because your 1.0 Self will fight tooth and nail to stay average, broke and to make excuses. And we all know that AVERAGE IS THE ENEMY.
So let me tell you...

BK LIVE 2025 is For You If You’re…

  • Willing to "burn the boats" that have kept you stuck and comfortable
  • Ready to dive deep and do the Self-Mastery work you've been pushing off
  • Hungry to level up your income, purpose and impact
  • Ready to become the highest level version of yourself
If this is you then I want to invite you to BK LIVE – May 31st

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 


LIVE 2024 

Choose Which Experience Package You Want



  • Theater Seating
  • ​Coffee / Water
  • ​No Lunch Provided





  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording
  • ​​VIP Dinner







  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording






I'm fortunate enough to live in the 4th highest-taxed state in the United States.

(To me, it's worth it because you can't beat the weather, which is why I call it a luxury tax to live in California.)

Because of this, I'm always looking for ways to legally lower my tax bill to Uncle Sam.

This is why I had my top accountant double and triple-check if you could write BK LIVE 2024 as a business write-off.

This means everything, including travel, hotel, and tickets, is tax-deductible as a business expense!

Meaning everything including traveling, hotel, and ticket are tax-deductables as a business expense.

By leveraging this tax incentive, you pretty much get to join us at no extra cost!

So you'll be "saving" money on your taxes by coming to Scottsdale, AZ, and being in rooms with high-level people from:
  • Entrepreneurs
  • ​Special Forces Veterans
  • Small Business Owners
  • Bestselling Authors​
  • ​Coaches/Consultants
You'll also get to install the proven playbooks and blueprints the speakers and I use daily to provide our families with a better future.

$4,997 value FOR FREE!

I have group coaching clients paying us handsomely for this type of access already.

But you don't need to worry about that since you'll get instant access to the group with your ticket.
Here’s A Sneak Peek

WHAT WE’LL COVER In Our 2.0 Playbooks and Blueprints That Create More Money, Meaning and Self-Mastery

  • How to accelerate self-mastery by putting your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tying your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into the trunk.
  • Which content and post strategies you should install into your Personal Brand that'll have you one "Content Binge" away from transforming a stranger into a raving fan or loyal customer. (You can choose which one you want more of.)
  • ​How to effortlessly turn prospects into High Ticket Customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a cheesy Closer.
  • What systems, processes and people to add to your business by the end of 2024. So you can create self-multiplying team members, and leaders that run your day-to-day operations.
  • ​The traits, habits and mindset you need to add, so you can actually achieve your goals this time.
Here’s A Sneak Peek

WHAT WE’LL COVER In Our 2.0 Playbooks and Blueprints That Create More Money, Meaning and Self-Mastery

  • How to accelerate self-mastery by putting your powerful Inner Advocate in the front seat and hog-tying your toxic Inner Critic to be shoved into the trunk.
  • Which content and post strategies you should install into your Personal Brand that'll have you one "Content Binge" away from transforming a stranger into a raving fan or loyal customer. (You can choose which one you want more of.)
  • ​How to effortlessly turn prospects into High Ticket Customers better than anyone in the market by becoming the Assistant Buyer instead of a cheesy Closer.
  • What systems, processes and people to add to your business by the end of 2024. So you can create self-multiplying team members, and leaders that run your day-to-day operations.
  • ​The traits, habits and mindset you need to add, so you can actually achieve your goals this time.
Unlike any other events...

I BELIEVE so much in what we’ll be teaching you at BK LIVE 2025 that I’m backing it with... 


a 200% Money-Back Guarantee

Our 200% Money-Back Guarantee is simple.

If by the end of the event you don’t feel that you got the tools, tactics and strategies to dominate in business and in life…

We’ll give you 200% of your money back

There aren’t any hoops to jump through, or weasel claws holding onto your money.

To get double your money back just walk up to my staff and let them know that BK LIVE did not meet your expectations, simple as that.

Why would I offer a 200% money back guarantee? I’m that confident in what we’ll be teaching you will blow your mind!

Have any of the past events you’ve been to do something like this?

I’ll tell you the answer… NONE.

This is why I’m bringing the best of the best to help you go from your 1.0 Self to your 2.0 Self.

So you can scale your business and create more money, have more meaning and develop higher levels of self-mastery.

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 


LIVE 2024 

Choose Which Experience Package You Want



  • Theater Seating
  • ​Coffee / Water
  • ​No Lunch Provided





  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording
  • ​​VIP Dinner







  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording





About the

Hey brother,

My name is Bedros Keuilian. I'm a Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, and I've generated over $200 million in sales.

I want to personally invite you to The High Performance Summit.

In 2-days, Wes Watson and I will coach and mentor you to be a high performance human.

To be a high performance human (and not play small anymore), we’ll:
1. Give you a battle-tested game plan with our “Peak Performance Playbook”.
2. Surround you with other like-minded individuals.

Because without these 2 things, you can’t reach a higher level of purpose and potential. And that won’t work for you since you’re meant to DO more, BE more, and EARN more.

This is why Wes Watson and I will show step-by-step how to achieve financial success, optimize your health and fitness, develop iron-clad personal discipline, reach new heights of growth, and unbreakable mental toughness.

And it’s why we created the High Performance Summit.

The High Performance Summit is the exact opposite of all the other hyped up events and seminars out there that over promise and under deliver.

In fact, there are only two speakers at the High Performance Summit, Wes and me.

ALSO, because it’s Wes Watson’s first ever event - which is long overdue - I asked him who the event is for. His answer...

And it’s why we created the High Performance Summit.

"This event isn't for crybaby, soft motherf@ckers."

Man, I love the passion and intensity this guy brings.

Dude, this event is gonna be unreal. If you’re not pumped to attend right now, keep reading this page.

Together Wes and I have generated tens and hundreds of millions in sales for our clients, and ourselves.

We've done this by slowly revealing small sections of our hidden “Peak Performance Playbook”. And at the Peak Performance Summit, we’re gonna reveal it all, but only to a carefully selected elite group of people.

This playbook has small, yet powerful profit-driving, “hinges” that burst open the cash-flow heavy flood gates. It’ll take you less than 48 hours to install these ”hinges” into your business.

You’ll also get to copy, paste, and profit from our “simple” social media strategy we use to cause a massive rush of clients to come on-demand. This strategy is helping my clients with less than 500 followers put their income on a SpaceX Rocket Ship.

And the almost criminal way to expand your empire in the shortest time possible. Wes Watson will reveal how he built a mammoth, multi-million dollar business only a few years “fresh out the joint”.

What I shared with you are only a few pages of our Peak Performance Playbook.

The amount of profit-making, purpose-driven, and potential-growing info inside this playbook is thicker than an Oxford Encyclopedia Series.

BK LIVE 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Click Question to View Answer
  Where is the event at?
The Bedros Keuilian Live Event is on May 31st at The Grove Theater in Anaheim, CA.
  How much is a ticket?
There are three ticket options for Bedros Keuilian Live:
1. General Experience
2. Gold Experience
3. VIP Platinum Experience

There's no pressure to upgrade your ticket to VIP STATUS to maximize your experience.

With your VIP Ticket, you'll get VIP Dinner, VIP meet and greet with Bedros and the speakers and Front Row Seating.

If you’ve ever been in VIP at my events you know this is where the seeds of investments opportunities, business deals, and great partnerships are planted.
  Is this event for men only?
No women are welcome to come and you’ll get a ton of value from it!
  Is it worth attending if I'm just starting out?
Regardless of your business size you're currently at, this event is for you. 

At this event, we'll have entrepreneurs making $5k, $10k, $50k, $100k and even $500k a month. 

Even if you are not an entrepreneur you should come if you want to level up, become the 2.0 version of yourself and make more money. 
  Do I get to speak with you guys?
Yes! We won't be hiding in the green room. We'll be giving multiple talks, invite people on stage, and be at the networking sessions hanging out and taking pictures.
  What should I bring?
A few things:
1. An open mind ready to learn and grow.
2. Something to take notes on.
3. Your laptop or phone to immediately execute what you've learned.
  What's the deadline for attending in person?
ASAP! Success loves speed. Highly successful people will claim their tickets fast, especially the VIP tickets.

My event last year sold out quickly.

And with the number of pre-sold tickets we have ready, we expect back-to-back sold out events.

So secure your spot now before it’s taken!
  Can I bring my wife/business partner/guest/team member?
Yes! For them to get access to the room, they'll need a ticket, which we're running out of.
  What if I'm a private 1:1 coaching client? Do I still pay?
If you're in the Domination Year Coaching Program or a Project Mastermind Member, you'll get to have the VIP Experience for free. If you bring a spouse or team member, you bring one person up for free. You must RSVP to reserve your spot. We would not be able to add you once we sell out.
  Will the event be recording be included?
A lot will be covered. So we'll provide free access to the recording for all VIP attendees.
  Can I get a virtual ticket?
NO. Right now, there are people from 5 different countries attending this event in-person. This event will not be broadcasted live so I highly suggest that you come in person!
  What if I can no longer attend?
If you cannot attend, you may use the credit towards another program/event listed on the BedrosKeuilian.com website. No refunds. 
  When will I receive BK Live tickets?
No physical/digital tickets will be sent for the event. Please bring a valid photo ID to the registration desk, and our team will check you in. This will grant you access to all the event's sessions and activities.

For security reasons, you won't be able to pick up tickets for anyone else. Each attendee must collect their badge with a valid ID.

BK LIVE 2025


Now it’s on you…

If you listen to my podcast or if you’ve read my book then you know that success and money are attracted to three things:
  • Action – people who don’t procrastinate or make excuses tend to win in life. 
  • Speed – people who act quickly and execute fast get what they want in life.
  • Decisiveness – people who are sure of what they want and commit to it are always rewarded with results
Look, everyone wants a better business, more financial freedom, success and happiness. But few are actually willing to do something about it.

BK LIVE is for those who really want to change their lives for the better. It’s for those who are ready to breakthrough and operate in alignment with your higher self.

The greatest gift you can give to your future self and your family is to become the individual who can create financial freedom and success so that you never have to compromise in life and that’s why I want you to join us at BK LIVE on May 31st in Anaheim, California.

So, click the button bellow and secure your seat before BK LIVE sells out like it has every year.

Looking forward to meeting you in person and teaching you how to have it all in business and in life!

Option #1

❌Option #1

Do absolutely nothing

If you have cash in the bank to never work again, living up to your purpose and potential, don't change a single thing.

Because maybe you don't need to attend Bedros Keuilian Live.

But if you'd like to BE more, DO more, and Earn more, that leaves you with 2 other options.

✅Option #3

Let us show you how to become your 2.0 Self

So you can create more money, meaning and self-mastery.

Look man, it's a no-brainer to spend 2 WHOLE days of coaching and mentoring from my friends and I.

So I'm not gonna get on my knees and beg for you to come join us in Scottsdale, Arizona.

My mortgage, payroll and investments aren’t riding on this.

This event is more a passion project than anything else.

I'm not trying to be a d!ck here, but it's just the facts.

But also know with the things I’m passionate about, I go above and beyond EVERY TIME.

And if you've gotten this far you already know what you're gonna do.

So do it.

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 

May 31st 2025 In Anaheim, California 


LIVE 2024 

Choose Which Experience Package You Want



  • Theater Seating
  • ​Coffee / Water
  • ​No Lunch Provided





  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording
  • ​​VIP Dinner







  • Table Seating
  • ​​Coffee / Water
  • VIP Luncheon
  • BK Live Recording





 Unlike any other events…

 the Peak Performance Summit has a…

200% Money-Back Guarantee

Our 200% Money-Back Guarantee is simple. If by the end of Day 2, we don’t exceed your expectations… or… give you the playbook you need to get to your destination… or… install the discipline to achieve your goals no matter what…

We’ll give you 200% of your money back.

There aren’t any hoops to jump through, or weasel claws holding onto your money.
To get your money back and some more, just walk up to my staff at the event and tell them to give you 200% of your money back… and they’ll do it on the spot.

Have any of the past events you’ve been to done something like this? The answer is “no”.
Copyright 2025 |  www.bedroskeuilian.com | All rights reserved.
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.